How many of us spend most of our precious life self-sabotaging and self-denying our most authentic selves? How often do you hide from your deepest desires or suppress and stuff away beautiful parts of your being? All too frequently, we deny ourselves and edit our stories to make ourselves sound more put together than we may feel – we sugarcoat or blatantly leave out parts of who we are due to shame or feeling like who we are is not good enough. We ignore and tuck away the parts of ourselves that, if brought into the light with love, make us powerful and radiant. Our stories make us who we…
Mindset Shifts & Habits That Work For You
If you are anything like me, you love reading self-help-related books and articles, and your Instagram feed is full of inspirational quotes from people sharing about their success. Within this world of self-help, a theme I continually stumble into is mindset shifts and changing habits to create a better life than the one you are currently living. While I believe there is powerful truth within these lessons, and if you take the time to find habits, rituals, and beliefs that empower and work for you, it can make a BIG difference, I also think it is not as simple as someone telling you what works for them. Simply applying what worked…
What I’ve Learned About Leaning Into Radiance
Being authentic is scary. Standing in our radiance is scary because when the light shines, everything is laid bare. Everything is illuminated, and we are raw and beautiful. We live in a world afraid of the light. We live in a world of deflection and deception, comfortable in shadows and hidden spaces. We are told that we must project a particular image to keep everybody safe and happy. Then, when we shine too brightly and illuminate parts of our reality that have long been hidden or avoided, the people around us flinch, making us think our light is something to dim, tuck away, and keep hidden. But the light…
As we near Halloween night and prepare to put on our costumes and masks, I am wondering about the masks we wear throughout our lives to hide our truest selves. What does yours look like? What does it feel like? Have you forgotten what you actually look like underneath the facade or do you remove it regularly and take a good long look at who you really are? We take on external identities and learn from a young age who we are supposed to be and, more importantly, who we are not supposed to be. We are taught what is acceptable and what is forbidden. We are taught what to…
Tuning In
Tuning into your physical senses and honouring what your body needs is a challenging practice, especially in a culture that teaches us that our worth comes from our production. We are taught from a young age that to be good, we must be overstretched, overworked, and worn thin. We need to be constantly growing and doing more – being more. So we fill our time with activities and things. We numb our brains with tv and games. We are not comfortable sitting in stillness with ourselves. We have lost the art of quiet and rest. We push our body to its breaking point and then are frustrated and surprised when it breaks. …
Your Attic
We all have parts of ourselves we keep hidden and are afraid to show others. We all have hurts, pains, and fears that we keep locked away because it is easier to store the pain than risk the raw emotions and feelings that are stirred within us; we don’t dare open Pandora’s box. We all have parts of ourselves that we have been told are not good enough and should be hidden from the world, tucked away into the shadows. We all have those tender parts of our being that we protect and shut away. While we each know these wounds intimately for ourselves, we often forget that the people…
Meet In The Middle
Imagine you go to a ballpark to watch a baseball game and sit down in the stands with your hotdog, eager for the game to begin. You know all the stats about both teams and are excited to watch how the game will unfold. Then, as the umpire yells, “play ball!” you sit up straighter in your seat, excited to see who is first up to bat… But, to your surprise, nobody comes onto the field. Instead, you see the two teams huddled in their respective corners, yelling across the field at each other, arguing over the rules of the game and who is right or wrong, not willing to…
Ask These 5 Questions To Deepen Your Interactions – Finding True Connection
When I was a little girl, I was lonely. Hell, I still get lonely sometimes. Growing up in a broken family, being ten years younger than my only sister, and striving to live up to the people around me, I struggled to connect with my peers, constantly feeling out of sync with the world around me. Each year, the night before school began, I remember squeezing my eyes shut, intertwining my tiny fingers, and praying, begging, to have a best friend and to be understood. I desperately wanted to feel supported and seen. While I no longer beg for connection and have created meaningful and deep relationships around me, I still…
Save Yourself: Recognizing Toxicity Around You
Do you have a narcissist in your life? Are you continually thrown off balance at the mercy of this person’s emotional state, well-being, or needs? Over the past year, I have learned that many people struggle with narcissitic personalities and energy vampires without even being aware of the problem. Surprisingly, we tend to think that we are the problem in the relationship. We believe we must try harder, be more sociable, do more for them because somehow, our worth is now tied up in their approval. When people call us out or challenge our narrative, we may pause, but we quickly come to this person’s defense. They aren’t that bad; they are simply going…
I don’t know about you, but I want to be free. And I don’t just mean having the ability to do as I please. I mean living a life profoundly and entirely my own, defined by no one else’s expectations, judgments, or narrative. I want to live in a world where every day is entirely my own. No matter what happens around me or to me, I am still whole. I am not defined by my external reality but by my internal conviction of self. I have everything I need inside of me. And you know what is so amazing and silly and dumbfounding about that idea? It is already a reality! We already…