Remember to create space for yourself this season. You need room to breathe and bloom. We are constantly creating our world and our reality around us; we tend to get confused and think that the world is acting upon us, but we, too, are acting upon the world. Every action we make is a choice; When something pushes us down, we choose if we stay down and cry, waiting for someone to help us back up, or we can choose to hold our ground, stand back up with our head held high, and try again. We choose the spaces we fill and the energies we allow to surround us. When it comes to social…
Our Stories Make Us Human
Most mom/parenting blogs I have stumbled across and are the most popular are written by mothers who have a loving partner and two or three kids in a lovely home in a nice neighborhood. They tend to represent the white middle class and, more often than not, have religious undertones in their writing. Another annoying piece of the story is that many of these blogging moms love to craft and make home projects, putting those of us with less crafting ability to shame. While this a great niche, and there are plenty of helpful tips, relatable stories, and interesting insights, I wonder where all the other mothers are. I want…